Share Your Story
Why Share? What is the Goal?
Everyone has a story worth sharing
Share your unique culture and experience with others
Grow appreciation and learn new things by interviewing others
The goal of The People's Accords Story Library is to build a foundation for the Citizen Diplomat Society that favors the connection of individuals across cultures and appreciation for the value of others despite our geographical, linguistic, religious, or other differences.
Share Your Story and Contribute to the Growing Citizen-to-Citizen Diplomacy Movement.
Record a video of you, or someone else answering the following questions and email it to: along with a photo of the person being interviewed, their name spelled in English, and an English transcription for the video if the interview was conducted in any language other than English.
1. What is your name?
2. Where are you from?
3. Is that where you grew up?
4. What is your favorite holiday?
5. Describe that holiday, and what makes it special.
6. As an adult, do you still celebrate?
7. What is the nicest thing you have ever done?
8. If you could do one thing to make the world a better place, what would it be?
* We recommend uploading the video first to Google Drive and sharing the video link in your email with us.